A Reflection on Post-Grad Life

It's been about a year since I’ve graduated college and it has been such a fun journey so far. I remember when I first graduated people would keep telling me I’m going to miss school and it’s going to feel so strange not having classes to go to and exams to study for. Well, that did not happen. While it did feel strange at first, I realized the strange feeling was just the feeling of…being relaxed? I've always been a fan of school, I loved learning, but I’ve also been a fan of nurturing myself and growing outside of academics. Schooling for me was always important, but so was exploring myself.

Now that I have the time to actually dive into my interests, I’ve found that my quality of life has just generally increased. Yes, I totally do get bored sometimes (lol) but I would honestly take that over the stresses of school. Trying new things and different hobbies allowed me to put worth in myself other than my education. Since graduating, I’ve started figure skating, something I’ve always wanted to do since I was a kid, and I’ve never been more happy and content. I have the time now to read my books in the park without feeling stressed and going to the gym to maintain strength and overall health. 

It’s also allowed me to reevaluate the quality of my friendships, how I might’ve outgrown some and grown into others. I think being too focused on one aspect of my life can distract from other very important aspects, like the people I had around me. I’m a firm believer that those you surround yourself with can drastically shape your life as well as define who you are. Realizing that not everyone is supposed to be in your life forever was also something that hit me after graduating. While it does come with the wave of sadness, it simultaneously feels exciting to know I have matured and grown and was able to recognize that in myself. It feels like I know myself more than I did and it’s a promising feeling. 

I think a lot of us don’t realize that we do need to know ourselves outside of just academics and our careers. Being in school for so long takes up a lot of personal time, which could be otherwise used for self discovery. Never underestimate the importance of alone time and having your own personal hobbies and ALWAYS be kind and patient with yourself, especially while learning to navigate a new life.


KD Playlist 015: Bollyhood Babes


"This Time Will Pass" (I'm Back)