Kahani’s Bookshelf Pg. 1

I’ve always been a reader, turning to books as a sense of comfort and peace when times get hard, or if I’m looking to expand my knowledge on a particular topic. Over the last few years, I’ve cultivated a reading routine that I try to incorporate in my daily life - and I can confidently say that the days I don’t spend at least a few minutes reading something, I feel scattered, unorganized, and as if my thoughts are all over the place. 

Over the years, my taste for books has gone through phases. From loving only fictional books and hating non-fiction books, to reading only non-fiction books and believing fiction was a “waste of time”, to now loving any and all types of writing that I can get my hands on. Especially over the last couple of years, reading and consuming writing from writers, creatives, or just anyone with life experience has significantly changed my life, and my outlook on the world. By reading and learning from others, I think I’ve become a bit softer, a better writer, and a more understanding, forgiving person. The human experience is a spectrum, and sometimes the way to get through it is to take a moment to breathe, while also sharing our stories in hopes of creating a better world for all.

With that in mind, we’re starting a reading recommendation series on our blog! This will be the first edition. Here are my top four favorite books I’ve read revolving around the topic of love. 

1. The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy

This book needs no introduction as Roy’s debut novel. I won’t give away spoilers, but the novel is set in Kerala, and revolves around the lives of a set of fraternal twins and how seemingly insignificant moments, relationships, and experiences deeply impact their lives in different ways. After finishing this book, I sat in my room for fifteen minutes staring at the wall, contemplating the ending, thinking about my own life, pondering the universe. It was incredible, and Roy’s writing is unmatched. 

2. A Place for Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza (Riz Ahmed’s wife!) 

A Place for Us had a similar impact on me as The God of Small Things. Through this novel, Fatima explores romantic love, familial love, community love, and more through the eyes of her characters. A Place for Us revolves around an Indian Muslim family - the immigrant parents with their experiences, and the lives of their first generation Muslim Indian American children, family friends, and more. This book pulled at my heart in ways I didn’t know were possible - and Fatima has an undeniable ability to make me want to become a better writer. 

3. Conversations on Love by Natasha Lunn 

Natasha Lunn discusses love in all its forms within this book that was inspired by her newsletter, Conversations on Love. This book came to me at the right time, at a point in my life where I needed to re-learn how to appreciate all types of love and people within my life. I loved the interview style essays, and how vulnerable and honest each individual she interviewed was. There was something so un-intimidating about this book that I enjoyed and found humbling. I highly recommend it to anyone who is trying to improve their relationships - with themselves, with friends, with family, with partners and more, while improving the quality of life.

4. The Book of Everlasting Things by Aanchal Malhotra

Oh my, this book brought me to tears so many times. I have read Aanchal’s previous nonfiction works - The Language of Remembering, and The Remnants of a Separation, and her novel, The Book of Everlasting Things felt like the perfect amalgamation of both. With her research and work revolving around the 1947 partition of the Indian subcontinent, Aanchal pushes us deep into the story between Firdaus and Samir - two lovers, whose lives become intertwined yet pulled apart due to the partition. There were many sentences, paragraphs, and pages in this book that I re-read, bringing either a smile or occasional tears to my face. The hopeless romantic in me was squealing the entire read. 

These are just a few favorites, there are a lot more to come! Do you have any favorite reads? We’re always looking to expand our knowledge and open up our minds. Please reach out if you want to explore the literary world (or writing) further!


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