Love Kahani: Sagar & Pooja of Couplr App

Kahani means story in hindi - here is a love story about two people that have been longtime friends and partners of Kahani Digital! 

We had the opportunity to sit down with power couple Pooja and Sagar from Couplr. From long distance dating, a long covid engagement, and finally getting married with the wedding of their dreams, Pooja and Sagar walked us through the journey of their relationship; the ups and downs, plus some advice for us all. We hope you enjoy! 

How long have the two of you been together? 

Sagar and Pooja: We’ve been together for 6.5 years now, nearly 7. We started dating in 2016, moved in together in 2018, got engaged in 2019, got legally married June of 2020 and then, finally got had our Hindu wedding ceremony last year, in June of 2022. It’s been a long time coming. 

How did you guys first meet? 

Sagar and Pooja: Dil Mil - before it was even Dil Mil and what it’s become now. We’ll dive into each of our stories with the app. We met up for coffee, and found it so easy and comfortable talking to each other about anything and everything. On the third date, we made our relationship “official”. 

Pooja: The app truly didn’t work for me in other cities, and I honestly had kind of given up on it. I moved to Chicago for work, and my mom actually suggested that I give it a try in a new city. I thought why not, and the first night I moved I actually downloaded the app and made a profile. Sagar was actually the first guy I matched with - the rest is history!

Sagar: Funnily enough, it was actually my sister who pushed me to get on the app. At the time I was very single, and my life revolved around work and nothing else. I really wasn’t putting myself out there or meeting anybody. Pooja and I matched, and we set up a coffee date for the following Tuesday. 

From our conversation, it was clear that the couple knew they were in it for the long run, from the first time they met. 

What are some challenges you faced while dating?

Sagar and Pooja: We were doing long distance for the first couple years of our relationship - which was obviously tough, but we both believe that it forced us to build an extremely strong foundation with each other. We learned to work on our communication skills, trust, everything. After that, moving in together was a challenge - Pooja was originally against the idea, and her parents weren’t very keen on us living together before marriage. With many discussions, we came to an agreement. It was probably the best thing we did for us. 

When did you know you were the one? 

Sagar and Pooja: We both knew before we moved in together - I think the feeling was pretty instant. We knew it was for the long run, and wanted to give us a shot rather than just having a summer fling. 

Throughout the conversation, the mutual respect and adoration Sagar and Pooja had for each other was palpable. They were patient in hearing each other’s side of the stories, and urged each other to answer each question from their point of view. Their energy towards each other was calming, reassuring, and peaceful. 

What is your favorite thing about each other? 

Sagar: Pooja is a wonderful communicator. From day one, she’s always said how she feels, and creates space for me to do the same. I’ve always been confident that I can tell Pooja whatever is on my mind, and we’ll work together to come to a solution, or she’ll give me advice that I needed to hear. 

Pooja: Sagar’s passion for life, and everything that he does or is involved with. He’ll give his 100% to everything - all of his passions, interests, work, and our relationship. He’s a visionary, while I get down to the tactical bits of how things should be done. I think our balance and opposites are what make us work.  

What are your pet peeves about each other? 

Pooja: The lack of organization! I keep our plans in check and he will just disrupt our schedule as he pleases. If something throws me off, it’s very hard for me to recover… but usually, spontaneity is something positive and fun for us! 

Sagar:  She is very risk-averse. I am an agent of chaos and I wake up to uncertainty everyday, but I know I thrive in that environment. Pooja definitely shuts down in those types of situations. 

The pair are clearly quite opposite but in the most fitting way - each fulfills something that the other lacks. 

What are your love languages?

Sagar: Physical touch but more words of affirmation now. 

Pooja: Acts of service and quality time. 

Learning the love language of your partner is so important - the way people give and receive love can be so different so it’s very vital in a relationship you are loving someone the way they need. Love languages often get misconstrued or misinterpreted - your love languages don’t necessarily match, but understanding how to love your partner is a foundation block of a strong relationship.

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day (and no matter what your relationship status is), we hope Sagar and Pooja’s love story inspired you to give a little extra love to those who matter most. Relationships are not easy and life can throw you curveballs at any given moment but as long as you cherish those who love you and meet them halfway, it’s not so bad! 

Couplr is dedicated to helping you build a community of like-minded couples in order to improve your double dating life! Download the Couplr app today: 




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