Just a Woman

We’re only pretty

Two pounds away from starvation.

We’re only presentable

With a powdered face.

When we shoot hoops

All of a sudden it’s:

“Oh, the girls are playing now”

Oh what horrors it must be

To live in a world where




Are restrained.

Who could live in such a world?


We live in this world everyday.

Yet, we don’t suffocate.

We run full marathons

Even when the crowd jeers

And scrutinizes every detail

Of our clothes, our body

Yet we lace up our shoes for another marathon.

We climb the tallest mountain

No ropes, no guidance

Just our hands

Bloody from rocks and covered in dirt

Yet we rise for another mountain.

We come together

We understand and respect

We care

Even when we get nothing in return

It’s a battle everyday, but we don’t surrender.

We are women.


Spring Cleaning with Desi Favorites!


South Asian Streaming Guide: February 2024