The Snow Trail

No one seems to know 

About the trail in the snow 

It’s cold and narrow 

And quiet too 

I see footprints 

In the snow 

But they seem to be nothing but a glint When I step close to it 

Maybe they’re just mine 

And I have been walking in circles This whole time 

Sometimes when the snow gets too deep I fall in 

But I’m too stubborn to seek 

Help that I so desperately need 

I march through the snow 

Hoping to see a prism of hope 

So I can finally feel the flow 

Of the words that my mouth yearns to know 

But the prism doesn’t just appear It’s the cry of our words 

Which make the colors clear 

It seems forbidden 

But if we all stop pretending 

We have never marched the snow trail Maybe I can finally say the things That silenced me in the first place


KD Playlist 020: Head Down Lofi


Behind the Pen with Women in Writing: Samia Abbasi