From the Desk of Hani Anis: May 22, 2023

This past week I great time visiting family in LA, attending a friend's wedding in Houston, meeting a new team member in, and celebrating the launch of Tinto Amorio on the East Coast in NYC! However, I had so much my travel trouble that it really got me thinking about how to prioritize my health with some more busy travel I have coming up! Hereโ€™s a little bit more about my peaks and pits:


  • Leaving LA and going home to my parents was so nice, even though I love being in LA. LA gave me a nice break and I got to see my people which couldn't have come at a better time!

  • We celebrated my family friends wedding this past weekend (part 1) in houston and it was so nice to get all our friends together. Now all of us being adults, some being married and some with a baby, its always a good time to see everyone since we don't all live in the same places anymore.

  • I got to meet our newest team member, Laura in person! We had a quick lunch and it was wonderful. It's always so rewarding to meet our remote team in person.

  • Tinto Amorio celebrated their East Coast launch this week and I got to go for a press opening. Tinto has some of the BEST natural wine, but also one of the nicest and most genuine founders.

  • I stayed with one of my very best friends and favorite models, Slesha this week. We hadn't caught up since February and it gave me a slice of home being with her in NYC and coming home to her!

  • I'm looking forward to watching Jewish Matchmaking this week when I have time, I've been hearing so much about it!


  • Our flight back from Houston was a nightmare and we didn't get home till Monday morning at 4 am which completely derailed my whole week since I was traveling to NYC on wednesday.

  • I am having so many transportation and travel issues this week, my amtrak on wednesday was delayed by an hour and a half and so I woke up at 4am and got to the station on time and just had to wait there when I could have slept in for another hour!

  • While I have so many exciting opportunities coming up in the next few weeks, I haven't been prioritizing my health or wellness really, so I hope to get as much sleep and rest as I can and when I can in the next few weeks because I already am feeling exhausted and this is just the beginning of my insane travel schedule for the next few weeks.


The Illusion of Good Mental Health in the Motherland 


KD Playlist 014: Garam Girl Summer