2023: The Year We Swap Resolutions for Reformations

It’s safe to say that I have never kept a New Year’s Resolution. The start of a brand new year tricks me into thinking I have some kind of improved capacity to transform my habits and lifestyle. And yet, here we are, ten days into 2023, and all my contemplating over getting more exercise and being more kind to myself has gotten me nowhere.

I’ve spent some time considering why I can never fully commit to these grand plans, not even in the short term, and I’ve actually made some keen observations. For one thing, they’re way too abstract. “Be more kind to myself.” That is such an unhelpful statement; it doesn’t tell me how or why I’m supposed to be more kind to myself. And with that kind of vagueness, it’s impossible for that goal to be sustainable, or for me to remember it after January 1st. A resolution needs to be a meaningful reminder of how and why you want to change, and it needs to involve realistic actions you can take to fulfill the goals you’ve set.

I wanted to reform my goals for 2023 in a way that was detailed and sustainable, and that would make sense with my lifestyle as a college student. While we may not gain some kind of incredible power between December 31st and January 1st, I do think the mental feeling of entering a new phase of life is vital to enacting change. This year, I want to harness that feeling and follow through with those personal commitments. Here are some of the goals I’ve set for myself: 

  • Pour at least a little energy into my hair, makeup, and outfit before stepping out of my dorm each day. I have a habit of going to class and meeting up with friends looking like I just rolled out of bed. Sometimes, there’s just not enough time to go full glam before an activity. But what I noticed was that every time I did make the effort to do my hair or put on a cute outfit, it improved my confidence and my mood. I’m bringing that vibe with me into 2023. 

  • Schedule down time. I realized that in 2022, I rarely ever sat down to read a book or watch a movie for leisure, and if I did, it was during lunch or dinner. I always tried to cram in me-time, and that left me feeling very burnt out by the end of the year. Now, I’m going to add blocks of down time to my calendar so I know when to take a break and focus on me. The options for this time are endless–I’ve seriously been craving time to just go on a walk, meditate, and write poems. 

  • Random acts of kindness. In 2022, I realized how important gift-giving is to me as a love language. It brings me joy to plan out and give personal, thoughtful gifts to others, and I want to do more of it in the new year. I have a working list of things I’m excited to do: flowers for my roommate, snacks for friends, even just a poem for a loved one back at home. It brings me happiness to give, and that’s what this year is going to be all about. 

I spent a lot of time thinking deeply about the ways in which I want to change as a person this year, and the above three resolutions are part of the roadmap I’ve made for myself. I suppose you’ll have to check back in December to see how it’s going…or if I still step out of my dorm looking like I’ve been hit by a hurricane.


The Power of the Unplug


The Kahani Of: Ahana Banerjee, Founder of Clear